better payment
Discover the future of online gaming payments with Klirion. Fast, secure and easy. Get started today!
Our advantages
Download Klirion app, register and start playing immediately
Your personal and financial data is safe with us. With advanced technology, we protect your transactions 24/7
With just a few clicks, you can deposit cash into your player account and start betting or playing immediately
How it works?
Explore the features of our application
1. Download the app
Download Klirion from App Store or Google Play and install it on your smartphone
2. Register and verify
Sign up and verify your account to unlock access to the platform
3. Deposit money
Choose your game offer (sports betting or casino), generate QR code in the app and scan it at one of our terminals. Make your deposit and your funds will be immediately credited to your player account
4. Play
Enjoy the variety of our partner offers for sports betting and casino games directly via the Klirion app on your smartphone
Welcome to Klirion
About us
Discover the future of easy and secure online gaming payments with Klirion
Trusted and secure
Our solution is perfectly tailored to the needs of modern players who value security, speed and ease of use
Become a partner
Be part of the future of online gaming payments with Klirion
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